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Free Pixelart Tileset - Cute Forest

Free tileset for your gamedev needs! It includes a 16x16px tileset, with basic 16 tile tiling to create any shapes you want. A background tileset for detailing, 3 layer background and a couple decorations!


  • 16x16x pixel tile size tileset
  • Background tileset
  • Tree sprite
  • Bush sprite
  • Tileable ruins
  • Destroyed ruins sprite
  • 3 layer background with 320x192 resolution

LICENCE: This asset pack can be used in both free and commercial projects. You can modify it to suit your own needs. Credit is not necessary, but highly appreciated.  You may not redistribute  or resell the assets on their own, that includes NFTs, just images, or asset compilations. The assets can't be used in AI creations.

Follow me on Twitter for updates on more Asset Packs - https://twitter.com/Namatnieks

And if you like the pack remember to Rate it! :) 

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(37 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, 2D, 8-Bit, Forest, Pixel Art, Retro, Tileset


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FreeCuteTilesetv1.zip 29 kB

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Hey Im using this in my game. Thank you for the Tilesets 10/10 
Heres my youtube so you can see when it comes out: https://www.youtube.com/@TheHomeOfM3me

nice work


Спасибо большое, я только начал делать свой первый платформер, завтра в колледж, а я игру делаю:)

А то я и так, меню, кнопки, управление, персонажа анимации рисовал, мне на это каникул не хватило

Thanks you so much, I'm beginner in gemedev and made my first platformer (And so exemply know English, use translator pls;)

Tomorrow (In that day, I wrote this in 1 PM, 1:24) I must go to the college but I made game :D

& I made the menu, buttons, idk translate this word, character, hes animations and more, and I didn't enough holidays

(Старался больше больше на зачёте по английскомуXD)

No problem, glad to hear it was useful!

Thank you for this great asset, i used in my first try with Unity, a 2D platform prototype, check it out on youtube:


Glad to hear it was useful!

(1 edit)

I used this pack in my game in unreal engine and gave credit. Appreciate the feedback on my project. Thank you!


I tried to checkout your game but when I click on that link it says I don't have access

Hello it might be because i made an update to the game but try this and it should take you to my page to download. https://swamprat0989.itch.io/mom       Thank you for letting me know and for your feedback.

I am using godot and do you know how to bitmask so it flows correctly

I used some of your stuff on my game 


That is awesome!

I have use background for my game


Amazing tile set I used it for a my game I made for a game jam and got #12 for visuals, that's a win for you!

do you have the .ase files?

No sorry, I don't use Aseprite

or could you make the these? 


Sorry, i don't plan to update this tileset. You can however edit it yourself for your needs.

This looks amazing! and the colors are so cool!

These fit really nice into a Shantae fan game I'm working on. Surprising how well the palette fit! Thanks :)

(1 edit) (+1)

your pixel art is amazing, as soon as i can i will contribute

What? These really cool and high quality assets for free? No way

You make the best tilesets!

Glad you like them! :D